When your roofing system is damaged, you’ll need to have it repaired as soon as possible. Otherwise, your roof’s structural integrity could be compromised, and your home may face further issues. Unfortunately, paying your roof installation contractor to get the job done requires a significant amount of money. This is where insurance comes in as it can help you cover the costs of the repair job. Unfortunately, some homeowners find it intimidating to deal with a home insurance adjuster.

Know That Your Insurance Provider Is Legally Obligated to Act in Good Faith

If you’re feeling nervous about talking to your home insurance adjuster, don’t be. Instead, you should keep in mind that the company is legally obligated to act in good faith. When you bought a policy from the insurance provider, you both entered into a mutual contract. This contract states that if your company refuses or intentionally fails to cover any damage that should be covered by your insurance policy, then it is well within your rights to file a lawsuit against them, something that they would want to avoid at all cost.

You Have the Upper Hand

You may find it hard to believe that you have the upper hand when trying to make a claim in your insurance. This is because the adjuster has numerous claims to deal with while you only have one. Become an expert on your claim, and take advantage of the knowledge at your disposal when negotiating with the adjuster.

What to Do if Negotiations Fail

If you feel like the offer from your insurance provider is too low, and you want to negotiate for a higher settlement, it would be ideal if the provider simply agreed to your request. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. If negotiations fail, you don’t have to take their first offer right off the bat. Instead, if you feel like the offer is still too low, and the insurance provider continues to either decline your claim or refuse to pay out, consider hiring a public adjuster or attorney to continue the negotiations for you.

Need someone to help you with your insurance claims? Don’t hesitate to turn to D-Wing Construction. Give us a call at (630) 688-5160, or fill out our contact form to schedule an estimate. We serve homeowners in Arlington Heights, IL, and other nearby areas.